a bike for all seasons


I’m taking a sabbatical from posting blog stories.Β My quest to travel by bicycle continues. My love for seeing life from two wheels shines brighter than ever. But there are projects that need my energy. So, for awhile I’ll be working on them and enjoying a sabbatical from publishing stories here on this blog. Keep your pedals turning towards your dreams…Β  Gail PS – If you’d like to contact me regarding this experiment,… Read More

Some people say it’s cheatingΒ but I know they’re curious. You see, I’ve bought an electric bike, a pedal-assist Gazelle. And the question I’m being asked is: why would you want an electric bike? Yes, I’m fit and a seasoned bike rider and I have a trio of bikes in the garage. However, there’s a problem that I haven’t been able to solve with them. My work commute. Riding 28 kilometres each way… Read More

LastΒ week, riding home from the beach, I saw a strange sight on Currumbin Creek. It floated on two hulls. They were the type of hulls that a catamaran uses, only smaller. Yellow, buoyant and atop sat a man on a bicycle. He pedalled and the craft moved. He turned the handlebars and the hulls slowly changed direction. I pedalled to a vantage point on Thrower Bridge, jumped off my bike and hastily… Read More