a bike for all seasons


Riding to wellness

Bicycle Queensland have published another article that I recently wrote for their Bike Life Blog. This article is about wellness and although I’ve written on this topic before, I’ve given it some new insight. To read the article, click on the image below or click this link: https://bq.org.au/bike-life-blog/riding-to-wellness/

Some people say it’s cheating but I know they’re curious. You see, I’ve bought an electric bike, a pedal-assist Gazelle. And the question I’m being asked is: why would you want an electric bike? Yes, I’m fit and a seasoned bike rider and I have a trio of bikes in the garage. However, there’s a problem that I haven’t been able to solve with them. My work commute. Riding 28 kilometres each way… Read More

Break in Transmission A change of season A change of pattern A cold is caught Achoo! ≡ What was I taught? Rest, she had said Take time to recover Bless you. ≡ No riding, no writing No swimming, no play Just runny nose and goo Oh, poo! ≡ A break in transmission Time to sit still Settle in the changes Renew. ©Gail Rehbein 2017