a bike for all seasons


Bicycle Queensland Ambassador

I was quietly sitting at my desk when the call went out. “Cooee” said Bicycle Queensland, “we’re looking for ambassadors”. So I put some words together, added my social media links and submitted my application. I wasn’t alone. These roles have broad appeal. A few weeks later, I receive an email. Good news. I’ve been chosen to be a Bicycle Queensland Ambassador! So what does it mean to be a BQ Ambassador?… Read More

Some people say it’s cheatingΒ but I know they’re curious. You see, I’ve bought an electric bike, a pedal-assist Gazelle. And the question I’m being asked is: why would you want an electric bike? Yes, I’m fit and a seasoned bike rider and I have a trio of bikes in the garage. However, there’s a problem that I haven’t been able to solve with them. My work commute. Riding 28 kilometres each way… Read More

A new calendar year and there are new wheels in my garage. Welcome to 2017. I hope yourΒ new year brings youΒ good health, safe travels and enjoyable adventures. Mine has brought me new wheels. Well they’re not actually new. They’re second-hand, pre-owned, loved by someone else, and now I’ve been given the opportunity to enjoy them. So what’s small, folds and is made in London? A High Street hankerchief? A Twinings teabag? A… Read More