a bike for all seasons


This post is the next in a series of five stories about how my year-long bicycle experiment has changed me. In the first story I wrote about saving money. In the second I reflected on how it is contributing to my well being. Now for the third story, it’s time to talk about a special honour that was bestowed upon me. You see, it didn’t take long for the word to spread about my year-long bicycle experiment… Read More

This weekend was a feast of creativity and community. The Bleach* Festival spread its wings, delivering little bundles of whimsical wonders along the Gold Coast: Street parties, pop-up exhibitions, circus theatre, opera in the outdoors, a slide night, and a ten metre mullet that moves around the festival sites with the help of five puppeteers. Known as a Fish-out-of-water, this giant puppet is a reminder that it’s autumn and soon the mullet will leave… Read More