a bike for all seasons


This post links to a story called ‘Wheel Life On A Brompton’ which I wrote recently for ‘Ride With A View’ – a website dedicated to sharing the simple pleasures of cycling. Take two small wheels, a steel frame and some amazing engineering and you have a versatile folding bicycle called the Brompton Bicycle. Riding a Brompton bicycle is a new experience for me. I’m normally seen riding a touring bike around the… Read More

Plans to ride over the creek and pick up a pizza came unstuck. Over the new bridge I rode. The late afternoon light throwing long shadows as the Brompton sped across the smooth concrete. Friday’s carefree feeling was in the air. Two young boys threw fishing lines into the creek’s full tide. A retired couple walked slowly out for an early dinner. We were on our way to collect a pizza. ‘It’ll… Read More

The afternoon was moving to a close and I needed to organise something for dinner. I grab four calico shopping bags, my wallet, glasses and mobile, drop them into my pannier, attach the second pannier to my bicycle and ride out for a spot of quaxing. Over the next ten minutes, my neighbourhood bicycle-scape criss-crosses my ride: A young man, no helmet, shoots through the narrow path under the highway, riding a weathered bike… returning from the… Read More